36th Annual

Smith Angus Ranch Bull Sale

Friday, March 28, 2025

Join us for our 36th Annual Bull Sale at the ranch 25 miles southeast of Bassett, NE!

Lunch at 11:30am | Sale at 1pm (CST)

Kent: (402) 760-0830

Cameron: (402) 853-4679

View the catalog below or open it here.


Thursday, March 27th

Open House from 1-7 pm

Bulls available for viewing at your convenience. All of us will be available to discuss the bulls and your breeding goals.

Refreshments and supper available

Friday, March 28th

Open House from 8-11:30am

Lunch served at 11:30am

Sale at 1pm

Refreshments after the sale

Offering registered Black Angus 30 fall bulls and 60 yearling bulls

Sires include:

Sitz Barricade 632F

Barstow Trail Boss J8

Ellingson Rangeland

Connealy Emerald

S A V Rainfall 6846

LT Chiefton 1440

Smith Bar None 52N

Ellingson Brickhouse

S A V America 8018

S A V Territory 7225

Sitz Intuition